Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Alpha Course .. Week 2 - Who is Jesus

 A couple of days before my next Alpha session and I have already begun to think about the topic that is coming up. Who is Jesus? This kinda links to the thoughts I was having over the weekend about whether he existed or not and I guess that is going to be the first thing that I have to work out. There are quite a few questions that i naturally have due to the way I think and the things that are important to me. The ones that come to mind at the moment are...

First the obvious did Jesus actually exist, now I think I can understand that he potentially did exist in the same way you understand that Julius Caesar existed. The second thing is about the things that he did especially some of the miracles that he did. How did he do these things? and more importantly, what evidence is there (besides the bible) that backs up the things that he did. I believe the bible is not the only source... but I can't be sure... That is where my knowledge really is. Wouldn't it have been great to have impartial observers who could take notes at the time, but we don't have that luxury. I guess I will have to make a competent decision based on the evidence that is presented to me from Alpha.

Third is something that has bugged me for a while about Jesus which is probably just plain daft. There is a huge amount of information written about his birth, a huge amount written about his death and a good amount about his life as an adult. What about the rest of his life as a 6 year old etc.. I presume he was 6 once and I wonder what he was like as a child like the rest of us.. Odd I know but it is something that I wonder. Was his life not that interesting until he reached 13 or 14?? I don't know and maybe somebody will know. I know that we didn't have 24 hr media back then.

I am intrigued, however I do know a couple of things.. first no-one has all the answers and that if they did it would be easy. Does make me think though!

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